The main focus of the R&D department is the regulating organ, which is developed in close cooperation with end customers and according to their needs. In parallel, a range of tools, machines and equipment dedicated exclusively to the company’s production and made in-house are developed on an ongoing basis.

Backed by the most advanced design and calculation tools, the highly qualified R&D team guarantees that Incabloc SA continues to extend and strengthen its expertise in order to effectively assist its customers in the search for optimisation of their products (adjustment-index systems, moving parts, bar-turned components, synthetic stones).

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support jewel «PA»

flat olive jewel «GO»

domed jewel «B»

domed olive jewel «BO»

flat jewel with two recesses «G2C»

flat olive jewel with two recesses «G2CO»

semi-flat jewel «MG»

semi-flat olive jewel «MGO»

domed semi-flat jewel «MGB»

domed olive semi-flat jewel «MGBO»

flat jewel «G»

olive support jewel «PAO»

domed olive support jewel «PABO»

support jewel with polished ribbon «PARP»

domed support jewel with polished ribbon «PABRP»

support jewel domed on both sides with polished ribbon «PAB2XRP»

support jewel domed on both sides «PAB2X»

endstone «CP»

domed endstone «CPB»

endstone domed on both sides «CP2B»

domed endstone with off-centre recess «CPBCD»

recess + domed «CPCB»

pin «GOU»

flat jewel with cone-shaped recess «GC»