Incabloc SA’s bar-turning department is a true centre of excellence in the field of precision bar-turning. The unit processes most machinable materials to produce a multitude of components. Incabloc SA is thus in a position to satisfy diversified and specific demand from its customers in this segment, whether from the watchmaking, microtechnology, medical, aeronautics or connector industries.
In line with the latest technologies, the employees of the bar-turning department boast expertise derived from classical mechanical engineering and strive to guarantee optimum efficiency between digital and traditional bar-turning.
While the trend was to scrap cam-driven bar lathes, Incabloc SA has instead focused on their maintenance, renewal and development, notably thanks to state-of-the-art electronics. These machines remain irreplaceable for medium and large-scale production, for which they ensure speed and quality at unbeatable production costs.
The geometry of the components determines the choice of machine and production methods, with the CNC department enabling enhanced responsiveness and the possibility of producing small or pilot series.
Our prototype department offers the option of producing small and pilot series.
Operations: turning, drilling, tapping, threading, combing, milling, whirling, hobbing, rolling burnishing.
Materials: most machinable materials including copper alloys, steels, stainless steel, titanium, aluminium, thermoplastics and diamagnetics.
Treatments: thermal and surface treatments, polishing and galvanic treatments.
Incabloc SA
Rue de la Paix 129
CH-2301 La Chaux-de-Fonds
T. + 41 32 924 00 05
F. + 41 32 924 00 06
support jewel «PA»
flat olive jewel «GO»
domed jewel «B»
domed olive jewel «BO»
flat jewel with two recesses «G2C»
flat olive jewel with two recesses «G2CO»
semi-flat jewel «MG»
semi-flat olive jewel «MGO»
domed semi-flat jewel «MGB»
domed olive semi-flat jewel «MGBO»
flat jewel «G»
olive support jewel «PAO»
domed olive support jewel «PABO»
support jewel with polished ribbon «PARP»
domed support jewel with polished ribbon «PABRP»
support jewel domed on both sides with polished ribbon «PAB2XRP»
support jewel domed on both sides «PAB2X»
endstone «CP»
domed endstone «CPB»
endstone domed on both sides «CP2B»
domed endstone with off-centre recess «CPBCD»
recess + domed «CPCB»
pin «GOU»
flat jewel with cone-shaped recess «GC»